11 Bernard St, West St. Paul, MN (651) 457-6661 Email Facebook
Sunday Morning Worship @ 9:30 am
Located in West St. Paul

Pastoral Visits

Pastor Aaron is always glad to share in a time of prayer and/or conversation during times such as hospitalizations, pre-op, recovery, crisis, or spiritual discerning. He also welcomes Pastoral Visits at the church office during his office hours. If you would like to receive a Pastoral Care you can call or text Pastor Aaron directly on his cell, call the church office at 651-457-6661, or email pastor@salemluth.org to have a conversation, arrange a visit, or schedule an appointment to meet with him in the office.

Parish Nurse

Debbie Lee, a Registered Nurse, is our parish nurse. Her specialized training and education are used to promote health, wellness and spiritual care for the whole person over a lifetime. As part of our ministry team, Debbie regularly visits parishioners to discuss health issues, provides health information and refers people to community resources, and coordinates volunteers and programs for health promotion. To speak with Debbie, please contact the church office at 457-6661 or email ParishNurse@salemluth.org.


Our pastoral care team extends care and support to families the during hospital stays. Please call the church office whenever you (or a family member) are admitted to the hospital. Privacy laws and short hospital stays sometimes slow the channel of notification. Without your contacting us, the church will not hear of the hospitalization in any other way. Please call the church office at 651 457-6661.

Visitation Care Team

This  ministry “does for a friend what a friend would do.” Care Team Ministry responds, free of charge, to the non-medical “quality of life” needs of individuals and families of all ages not routinely fulfilled by existing social services programs. Volunteers are matched with Care Partners who may do a broad range of activities together from phone visits to providing transportation to appointments, depending on needs and abilities. God calls us to be in a relationship with one another. If you are feeling called to serve, please contact the Visitation Team Coordinator, Debbie Lee at 651-457-6661.

Prayer Support

Salem offers two types of prayer support. The Prayer Chain works quietly and steadily behind the scenes. If you have a prayer request, please contact one of our two Prayer Chain Coordinators; Louise Nesdahl at 651-280-9678 or Diane Hueller 651-451-0307. It may be a problem or illness, or in praise or thanksgiving. No request is too small. Requests are worded for confidentiality. Salem also encourages those who are comfortable to invite the entire community to pray for you. These prayers are printed in the Sunday bulletin. We will pray for you in worship and ask people to continue those prayers on their own at home.