11 Bernard St, West St. Paul, MN (651) 457-6661 Email Facebook
Sunday Morning Worship @ 9:30 am
Located in West St. Paul


It’s easy to transfer a one-time gift or to make recurring offerings from your bank account, directly to Salem Lutheran Church. With Salem’s secure giving system, in partnership with Vanco Services, you incur no fees when you give online. Receive a printable confirmation of your gift by email. If you are making a donation for a memorial, please enter the name of the person you are donating in memory of in the field with the red asterisk. Thank you!

Make a Gift    Pledge

Endowment Fund

Salem’s Endowment Fund was established to provide a special way for each of us to be stewards of our earthly gifts – beyond our day-to-day and weekly offerings – and even beyond our earthly lives. The fund’s mission is to promote responsible Christian stewardship of Salem’s legacy gifts and to enhance the outreach ministry of the church. Detailed information is listed in the brochure below. 

Endowment Fund Brochure
Endowment Fund Application

If you prefer to have the Salem office set up online giving for you, download the Electronic Fund Transfer Authorization Form. Complete the form and return it, with a voided check, to:

Salem Lutheran Church
11 Bernard Street
West St. Paul, MN