11 Bernard St, West St. Paul, MN (651) 457-6661 Email Facebook
Sunday Morning Worship @ 9:30 am
Located in West St. Paul

Adult Forum with Ron Felt – Artist in Residence

Salem has been blessed to have Ron Felt as the Artist in Residence. Ron’s sculptures are mainly composed of wood and copper and are incredible pieces of art. He has kindly donated three of the pieces to Salem and continues to use his workshop (located in the hallway by the office) as a space where raw materials are transformed and brought to life by his imagination and talent. The pieces shown here are his most recent works. “A Guatemalan Blessing” for the mission in San Lucas Toliman. It portrays Christ over Lake Atitlan. (upper) “Out of Love for the Truth” Martin Luther nails his 95 page theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, initiating the Protestant Reformation.(lower)

Everyone is invited join him this Sunday, February 4th after worship when he will be presenting his works and talking about Lutheran art in general.